NY blogg
S K R I V E T 2014-02-22 │ 19:31:03
S K R I V E T 2013-09-08 │ 20:04:35

I'm so sorry for the lack of blogposts!
Just randomly got tumblr today, yeeah! Go check it out here: elinelofsson.tumblr.com
25 random questions tag
S K R I V E T 2013-09-01 │ 20:36:36

I wrote this yesterday before i went to sleep, but forgot to upload it, so yeah. Hope you enjoy!
Lets get started! :)
Lets get started! :)
Question 1: Do you have any pets ?
Yes, a bunny, named Basilica.
Question 2: Name three things that are physically close to you:
Other than my extremly slow IPad that I'm currently writing on, I have my phone, a lamp and a pen with skulls on that I've have since like forever.
Question 3: What's the weather like right now ?
It's actually night right now, so it's pretty... dark.
Questions 4: Do you drive ? If so, have you crashed?
I don't drive, but If would have a license I would probably have bumped into something because I'm really clumsy, seriously I can't even walk without tripping on my own feet...
I don't drive, but If would have a license I would probably have bumped into something because I'm really clumsy, seriously I can't even walk without tripping on my own feet...
Question 5: What time did you wake up this morning?
Around 9:30, but I didn't actually leave my bed intill 10:30.
Question 6: When was the last time you showered ?
Question 7: What was the last movie that you saw ?
I watched Yes man yesterday and the only thing I remember was that Jim Carrey and that girl from New Girl was in it, I have really bad memory.
Question 8: What does you last text message say?
"Du har 0 MB kvar av din surfmängd. Hälsningar Telia" Well, yes..
Question 9: What is your ringtone ?
The standard iPhone ringtone.
Question 10: Have you ever been to a different country?
Yep, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Germany (absolutely LOVE Berlin) and Denmark.
Question 11: Do you like sushi?
Omg, YES! if I would to eat just one type of food for the rest of my life it would be sushi!! Or maybe chocolate.
Question 12: Where do you buy your groceries?
Well it's my parents who buy all the groceries, I just eat it, cause I just kind of have this obsession with food...
Question 13: Have you ever taken any medication to help you fall asleep faster?
Question 14: How many siblings do you have ?
One brother.
Question 15: Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
A desktop computer, that's why I use my IPad, it's kind of a pain in the ass to get that computer to my bed...
Question 16: How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Question 17: Do you wear contacts or glasses ?
I don't wear contacts or glasses, so this was a very necessary question.
Question 18: Do you colour your hair ?
No, or I did ombre a year ago or so, but nothing to extreme. I kind of like my natuarl hair colour though.
Question 19: Tell me something you are planning to do today:
Well the clock is soon 0:00, so I will probably go to bed soon, maybe, I can't promise anything. But I'm going to Ikea tomorrow to buy some frames for my one direction pictures, if you are interested.
Question 20: When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago, I just felt like absolut crap.
Question 21: What is your perfect pizza topping?
Question 22: Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger ?
I don't like or eat any type of hamburger, if I don't absolutely have too.
Question 23: Have you ever had an all-nighter?
I don't think so.
Question 24: What is your eye colour ?
Question 25: Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
I actuallt can't, and i'm pretty ashamed of that...
If you actually read all of these. THANK YOU.
S K R I V E T 2013-08-29 │ 20:00:15

strawberry youghurt, muesli & and a orange
This is us
S K R I V E T 2013-08-29 │ 11:10:55
världens bästa dag (förutom 1D konserten då) var igår. This is us var så himla bra!! Jag ska verkligen gå igen.
The world's greatest day (except for the 1D concert, daah) was yesterday. This is us was sooo good!! I'm definitely going again... And again... And again...
thank god it's friday.
S K R I V E T 2013-08-23 │ 20:02:00

ååååå äntligen så är det fredag. Har bara gått en vecka i skolan, och längtar redan tills nästa sommarlov, haha. Men får pusha mig igenom nian, även fast jag är jätte nervös av att hamna i en ny klass i gymnasiet, med massa människor jag inte känner. Kommer sakna klassen jag har nu jätte mycket och alla lovley people. Men det är ju ett år kvar, vilket är rätt så länge ändå när man tänker på det... ååååhmaa, vad jag längtar efter ostbågar by-the-way, haha. Ha en toppen fredag ♥
i like to be alone but i hate being lonely
S K R I V E T 2013-08-18 │ 17:24:19

something, something, something
You shoot me down but I won't fall
S K R I V E T 2013-08-17 │ 00:27:54
S K R I V E T 2013-08-15 │ 22:35:41

Sjätte augusti
S K R I V E T 2013-08-06 │ 20:42:00

'Cause a day without you, just isn't fair
S K R I V E T 2013-08-05 │ 16:22:45

//Nikon D5200 + 40mm//
soooorry, för världens sämsta uppdatering, har verkligen haft noll inspiration till att sätta mig ner och göra ett inlägg, vilket är rätt så surt, eftersom jag älskar att blogga och man ska göra det man tycker om att göra, right? Förhoppningsvis så får jag massa nya ideer snart. ♥
S K R I V E T 2013-08-02 │ 14:44:00

fotade med iPhone 5
I måndags överraskade vi Wilma eftersom hon hade sin födelsedag för ett tag sedan. Vi blåste upp massa ballonger och gjorde det till en jätte stor ballong, sedan överaskade vi Wilma och tog med henne till Nostalgeek och åt glass, yummie! Och sen åkte vi till sjön och grillade korv, majskolvar & marshmallows, spelade kubb, åt chips och drack läsk. ♥
musik tips
S K R I V E T 2013-07-27 │ 12:00:00

S K R I V E T 2013-07-26 │ 10:32:04
new in
S K R I V E T 2013-07-25 │ 17:17:39

Victoria's secret Hello Darling Body mist// Macadamia Nourishing Leave-In cream// Macadamia No Tangle
ny kamera!!
S K R I V E T 2013-07-24 │ 16:25:51

bilder fotade med Iphone 5
ÄNTLIGEN, säger jag bara! är så lycklig!! Det var faktiskt inte direkt planerat att jag skulle köpa den idag, men det var rea och man fick även en skrivmaskin med för bara 5555 kr! Så det var inget att tveka på! ååh, så glad jag är!!! Och nu kan jag även filma, så det ska bli jätte kul!♥
Första bilden till höger är även min gamla kamera med, Nikon D3000, rekommenderar den verkligen som nybörjarkamera, dock så tror jag den precis exakta säljs längre, men den finns även några nya versioner av den, vilket jag tror är Nikon D3100 & Nikon D3200. Puss ♥
best song ever
S K R I V E T 2013-07-23 │ 12:54:44
dööööör!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
S K R I V E T 2013-07-21 │ 18:55:00

today's breakfast
S K R I V E T 2013-07-21 │ 16:10:26

peach & apricot youghurt with cereals and watermelon ♥
S K R I V E T 2013-07-20 │ 20:29:27
kan inte sluta skratta åt mitt konstiga hopp i början ♥